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Come Study With Us

We provide the support to all aspects of services. Ukraine is the best platform for higher education among the Eastern/ Central European countries and an exciting place for business and tourism. In Ukraine, as in other developed countries, higher education is considered to be one of the main values. Ukraine has inherited from the past, a very well-developed and multi-functional system of higher education. The establishment of the higher education system is based on good legislative and methodological grounds.

This provides for an entirely new qualitative level of expert’s training, increase in academic and professional mobility of graduates, greater openness, democratic principles of teaching and raising the youth and accession of Ukraine’s Universities into the world community. We all know that admission to Medical, Engineering/ Technical and Economic Universities has been tough all the times due to the competitions of high grades, inaccessible financial involvements and government’s awkward educational policies. Not so in Ukraine.

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Glass Buildings


800 $

Prepayment 100$


This package include services such as  

1. Consultation 

2. Study invitation 

3. Preparing the documents for entering to the university 

4. Preparing translation of the documents

5. Online support 24/7 

6. Communication with university

7. Consultation with obtaining type of visa D.

8. The meeting in airport. 

9. Transfer from airport to the university. 

10. Support with obtaining medical advice. 

11. Providing assistance in various matters (renting an apartment, renting a car, issues related to living in a dormitory). 

12. Helping with finding translator.

Outdoors Tutoring
About: About


Prepayment 100$


This package include services such as 

1. Consultation;

2. Study invitation;

3. Preparing the documents for entering to the university;

4. Preparing translation of the documents;

5. Online support 24/7; 

6. Communication with university;

7. Consultation with obtaining type of visa D; 

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